英语人>词典>汉英 : 一幅绘画 的英文翻译,例句
一幅绘画 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与一幅绘画相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cy Twombly uses a combination of charcoal, colored pencils, chalk and oil paint in his works; sometimes he also incorporates wavy, flowing, scribbled text. But Ye Yongqing uses an "eyebrow pencil" to portray abstract lines and points to form a poetic visual language. His latest paintings further expand on this. He created seven abstract paintings of an identical composition, method, symbol and style entitled Broken - Heart. These paintings vary in either background color or color of the lines.


In one of 'Myth' paintings, the huge stones almost occupy fully the whole surface; in contrast, the figures let down, after intense struggle, as if collapsedly, chikenlike, tiny, impotent, unreconciled and depressed, just like giving up battling with the stones. In this series of heroist mode, particularly as against with the picture surfaces in which the giantlike bodies and energy are expressed, the figures in it even look a sense of funniness – wherein we are certain that irony has been engaged in his paintings, and it can be understood as a self-irony that it is not a floppy laziness, while he indeed does not need to tighten his muscles, not to keep a zealous and single gesture for fighting, as if it seems difficult for everything to continue, and in the paintings when the heroes unpack the stones, the artist seems unpack the dream of heroes, letting alone the huge stones burning and overspreading, surrounding us, pressing us and scorching us, even running over the whole picture. It suffocates us with all these heaviness, hardness, and acuity, as registers our weak life like a paper-cut.


One of her painting was filled with huge amounts of yellow sunshine and pink warmth.


With the emergence of modern art, painting has not been confined to the planes conveying illusionism effects of three-dimensional space.


One,"The Loup River, Alpes Maritimes," is owned by the Tate Gallery in London.


At the age of 11, she had a painting in an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.


There is one Vermeer map, in the "Allegory of Painting"(unfortunately missing from the tercentenary exhibition), which depicts not the seven provinces of the 17th-century Dutch republic but-- poignantly the provinces of Renaissance times


My goal was to make a painting like picture like some famous paintings from the XVII century from P.


One,"The Loup River, Alpes Maritimes," is owned by the Tate Gallery in London.


His modern take on the original paint, ing is an re-enactment of the relationship among the set, characters and space.


更多网络解释与一幅绘画相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(星岛日报报道)朱洁仪(Donna)在大年初二前往由师傅杨贯一主理的富临酒家,向师傅、师母拜年,一起吃个开年饭. Donna早前更花上两日时间、亲手绘画了一幅>贺年画让众人欣赏,问Donna其朋友会否有意竞投她的作品?


1937年,画家毕加索(PabloPicasso)创作了一幅名为"格尔尼卡"(Guernica)的画作. 二战中,当德军进入毕加索在巴黎的工作室看到这幅画时问他:"这是你画的吗?"他回答道:"不,这是你们干的. "如今这幅画已成为二十世纪最伟大的政治绘画.



Purdue pegboard:普渡木钉板

此外还有普渡木钉板(Purdue Pegboard)测验,用以测量手部灵活和手指灵巧程度. (1)梅尔(Meier)艺术判断力测验. 测验的目的是测量人的绘画艺术的欣赏能力,每一个项目都由两幅名画组成,其中的一幅为原作,另一幅则对原作的和谐性、比例、明暗等作了改动.



agalma:(希)一件雕塑 一幅绘画(尤指肖像画)

Agallol | 甲氧乙氯汞 | agalma | (希)一件雕塑 一幅绘画(尤指肖像画) | agalmatolite | 寿山石(冻石), 滑石

erick swenson:艾瑞克.斯文森

此外,还有多幅绘画和摄影作品也仅在上海展出,如雕塑家艾瑞克.斯文森(Erick Swenson)的作品<<极致(Ne PlusUltra,2005)>>,以及巴里.麦克吉(Barry McGee)为上海MoCA量身定制的一件作品等.


一九九七年,纽约一位重要的后现代观念主义艺术家马克.坦西(Mark Tansey)完成并展出了他的<<裁判>>(Judging)一画. 坦西在这幅哲理绘画中,向我们提出了关于视角的问题. 这个问题既是针对我们看画方式的,又是针对当代艺术批评的.


(星岛日报报道)朱洁仪(Donna)在大年初二前往由师傅杨贯一主理的富临酒家,向师傅、师母拜年,一起吃个开年饭. Donna早前更花上两日时间、亲手绘画了一幅<<如意虎>>贺年画让众人欣赏,问Donna其朋友会否有意竞投她的作品?

Georges Seurat:修拉

是预期价格的30倍. 布鲁尼的裸照是一张黑白照片,出自瑞士摄影大师米歇尔-孔泰之手. 照片摄于1993年,当年卡拉还是模特. 孔泰借鉴了法国后印象主义绘画大师乔治-修拉(Georges Seurat)的创意,修拉于100年前创作了一幅名为<<裸女>>的油画.