英语人>词典>汉英 : 一份食品 的英文翻译,例句
一份食品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mess  ·  messing  ·  messed  ·  messes

更多网络例句与一份食品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I asked Dr. Bowden, author of "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth," to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don't always find their way into our shopping carts.


Dr. Bowden, author of "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth," update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don't always find their way into our shopping carts.


William Hague, a top Tory politician, amused his followers by responding to a tweeted inquiry about the menu at a recent fast-food supper—but his interrogator was not just anyone, but Bryony Gordon, a hotshot columnist for a national daily.

William Hague,一位保守党的领袖,在微博回复问题时,写了一份晚饭时的快餐食品菜单,这事儿着实让他的读者感到好笑——可是提问的并不是一般人,而是Bryony Gordon,一个著名的专栏作家,为一份全国性的日报工作。

The American Meat Institute said in a statement that the undersecretary for food safety is an extremely important position to the meat and poultry industry and to all American consumers.


DESIGN: Eighteen nursing mothers who were not feeding soy foods to their infants consumed one daily sering of a soy protein beerage for 2-4 d and collected their own milk and urine and infant urine.


Though the idea that there is a broader and costly pollination crisis under way is entrenched (the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation is spending $28m on a report investigating it), the true picture is cloudier.


The average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.


I do eat one salad per week (slathered in creamy Italian dressing with crumbled blue cheese on the side), but my fare mainly consists of crackers, assorted cheeses, Sugardale Coneys, onion bagels, Peter Pan Creamy, ground beef, Dan-Dee Bar-B-Q potato chips and Pennysticks pretzels.3 As I inventory it, this diet does appear a bit more revolting than I first thought.

我现在每星期吃一份沙拉(涂着厚厚的意大利乳脂,旁边装饰着碎蓝干酪),但我的主食主要由饼干、混合干酪、Sugardale Coney(美国家族食品企业,主营火腿、火鸡等肉类食品)、,洋葱百吉饼、Peter Pan Creamy、碎牛肉,Dan-Dee(美国老牌薯片生产商,成立于1913年)的烤肉味薯片和Pennysticks脆饼干。(随着我的一一列举,这种饮食显得比我首次想到的要更令人厌恶。

The minimum wage is just 800 bolívares a month, although many workers with formal jobs get a bonus of around 250 bolívares for food.


At dinner, I ate as I always had, sometimes a sizable meal including animal products, bread, dessert, wine -- you name it -- or sometimes a salad and a bowl of soup.


更多网络解释与一份食品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sanitary certificate:证书

健康证书(HEALTH CERTIFICATE)也成为卫生证书(SANITARY CERTIFICATE),简单介绍如下: 各国出于保护国民健康的目的,在进口一些商品时,如食品添加剂、食品包装容器、餐具等,需要出口商提供一份出口国权威机构出具的证书,证明该商品符合健康、卫生等标准要求,

chick pea:嘴豆

低GI值食品的最大好处可帮助燃烧脂肪. 根据一份今年发布在>(Journal of Nutrition)的研究显示,进行耐力运动之前服食低升糖指数的碳水化和食品,可加速脂肪燃烧的过程,速度平均比高GI值食品高出118%. 烫煮嘴豆(Chick pea)升糖指数:40

cold storage:冷藏

BH食品公司表示,活菌猪肉已经在新加坡三大连锁超市之一的冷藏(Cold Storage)公司部份超市贩售,但由於活菌猪肉成本较高,售价是一般猪肉的二到三倍,例如火锅用的超薄猪肉片一包约300片是10新元(新台币220元).

take out:外带

Lorraine临走前叫了点东西带走:Uh,can we have chree chocolate mousses to go please?(请给我们来三份巧克力奶油冻带走. )mousse的音译是"暮思",或译为"奶油冻",是一种泡沫状奶油作配料制成并经冷冻或胶凝的食品. 美国的快餐店、咖啡店甚至部分餐厅都有外带(take out)服务.

Making pie:派类食品制作

Planning and shopping for meal怎样预备一份正餐 | Making pie派类食品制作 | Understand cooking terms烘培烹饪专业用词的学习