英语人>词典>汉英 : 重骑兵 的英文翻译,例句
重骑兵 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与重骑兵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After riding by the guards, and on through an empty space, Rostov rode along the line of the reserves for fear of getting in the way of the front line, as he had done in the charge of the horse-guards, and made a wide circuit round the place where he heard the hottest musket-fire and cannonade.


Although such situation gave advantage to the heavy cavalryman he rarely used it. There were two reasons for this


For this reason the heavy cavalryman was protected with helmet.


Cuirassier (French heavy cavalry who wore breastplates and metal helmets): Now has a radius attack.

Cuirassier (法国重骑兵,着装胸甲和铁护臂):现在具有范围杀伤。

However as with other types of cavalry, heavy cavalry was not employed in any significant capacity in wars between the Greek city states until later, mainly due to the prevalence of hoplite warfare as well as the mountainous terrain of Central Greece.


The Cavalry Division was under Major- General (soon local Lieutenant-General) Lord Lucan (54), its Heavy Brigade being led by Brigadier-General the Hon.


B: An English commander says 'You are outmatched.

S: 英军的指挥官说'我们数量超过你,而且你们没有重骑兵'。

The Netherlands and Germany has a special long-range cavalry, artillery and heavy can cause more harm Cavalry.


While their hoplites form phalanx formation in the centre, the Companion Cavalry under the command of Alexander himself will usually charge into the opposing army's flank.


These excellent heavy cavalry act as retinues or bodyguards for a chieftain or leader.


更多网络解释与重骑兵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cavalryman:重装 骑兵

Cavalier 近卫骑兵 | Cavalryman 重装 骑兵 | Dragoon 龙骑士

Heavy Chevalier:重装法兰克骑士

Chevalier法兰克骑士 | Heavy Chevalier重装法兰克骑士 | Horse Grenadier掷弹骑兵

horse crossbowman:弩骑兵

elite crossbowman 精锐弩兵 | horse crossbowman 弩骑兵 | armoured horse crossbowman 重装弩骑兵

Horse Grenadier:掷弹骑兵

Heavy Chevalier重装法兰克骑士 | Horse Grenadier掷弹骑兵 | Horse Guard Grenadier近卫掷弹骑兵

Parthian shot:帕提亞回馬箭

它'''安息回马箭''',也叫做帕提亚回马箭(Parthian Shot)属于骑兵的 [[1世纪]]时,[[安息|安息国]]发展出当时世界最强的骑兵. 骑兵分轻骑兵和重骑兵=== 安息战争 === ...世]](Osroes I)的王位,扶植Parthamaspates为罗马控制的傀儡安息国王. 三个行省在占领地上建立:[[亚美尼亚行省]]、[[亚


骑兵"中队"(Squadron)是拿破仑时期各国骑兵的基本单位,相当于步兵的"营". 中队通常下设两个连,每连约有72~120人. 法军骑兵团通常由3、4个中队组成,个别龙骑兵或轻骑兵团会有5个甚至8个中队. 理论上,法国重骑兵团大概有官兵800~960人,

Khans Guard:可汗卫队骑兵

Heavy Lancers, 重装枪骑兵 | Khans Guard, 可汗卫队骑兵 | Guards, 护卫

Kavallarioi Lancers:东罗马贵族枪骑兵

东罗马重骑兵Stratatoi Heavy Cavalry | 东罗马贵族枪骑兵Kavallarioi Lancers | 普罗诺埃精锐骑兵Proniarioi Elite Cavalry

Beau Sabreur:骑兵指挥官

约希姆缪拉恐怕是那个时代欧洲最著名的骑兵指挥官(beau sabreur). 他的骑兵军中包括轻重两种骑兵师,重骑兵包括胸甲骑兵(cuirassiers)和龙骑兵(dragons),前者穿前后胸甲,当时的骑兵手枪在30米正常距离开火,大约能贯穿2毫米厚钢板,


man'sworldtheworld 人间 | man-at-arms 重骑兵 | man-day 工作天