英语人>词典>汉英 : 跳楼 的英文翻译,例句
跳楼 的英文翻译、例句


jump off a building
更多网络例句与跳楼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the 24th, Jan.,1920, Modigliani was died because of serious tuberculosis leading to meningitis disease. On the second day, the beloved Janet jumped from the fifth floor with their unborn baby. Now, they are sleeping underground side by side forever, and the last sentence in his epitaph is:"Allegiant wife gives life for fere."


What a waste of my beauty shop membership!


In this place, you can constantly find little surprises around the corner, and if I get bored with residential life, I can go see what's going on in Caltech or PCC...


Especially in June 2007, bilateral feeling worsens further after his sicken, made a divorce in October 2007. On December 29, 2007, ginger lady jumps building commit suicide. Began on January 10, 2008, the migrant that north flies to, the website such as community of old standard net, skyline is published, published he and pair of family to have affront, calumniatory implied meaning, be like: Lady weighing ginger is by accuser " hound somebody to death ";"The product that the cheap man Wang Mou that boycotts all following to force fast knot delivers a wife concerns ";"No matter how, I am met certainly first firm firm ground smokes him a few remember canorous a slap on the face... the pitiful creature that plays drift along in parental assistant ".

尤其是2007年 6月,他患病后双方感情进一步恶化,2007年10月闹起离婚。2007年12月29日,姜女士跳楼自尽。2008年1月10日开始,北飞的候鸟,大旗网、天边社区等网站发表、刊载了对他及家人进行欺侮、诽谤的文章,如:称姜女士是被原告"逼死"的;"抵制所有跟逼死结发妻子的贱男人王某有关的产品";"无论怎样,我都一定会先狠狠地抽他几记响亮的耳光……在父母的羽翼下苟且的可怜虫"。

After the 11th suicide-attempting jump which took place May 24th at the iPhone manufacturing plant , Foxconn, a defacement of the company's website occured .

5月24日在 iphone 制造工厂富士康发生第11起自杀性跳楼后,该公司网站遭遇黑客进攻。

I don't mean to be flippant in serious times, but if you take every thing see seriously, you're going to want jump off a building.


BEFORE flinging himself out of the window when surrounded by police, Daniele Emmanuello, the Mafia "godfather" of Gela, a port in Sicily, managed only to pull some clothes over his pyjamas. Or so it seemed. He was shot dead as he fled on December 3rd, and during the autopsy pathologists discovered that Mr Emmanuello had done something else in his final moments: he had swallowed a small plastic bag containing tiny coded notes.


Later, he had to commit suicide to leave this world, where he had been so long spiritually repressed and suffocated by an innate desperate gloominess.


For behold that which is in me leaped and blessed thee.


I don't think about leaping off buildings.


更多网络解释与跳楼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

close down:倒闭

这叫倒闭(close down). 你在聚会上见到一个女生,你走过去对她说:"我的床上工夫非常寻常,但我会为你精尽人亡. "----这叫跳楼大甩卖. 你在聚会上见到一个女生,你走过去刚要对她说时她先对你说:"我对你的床上工夫不感兴趣. "这叫谢绝推销.


由于"跳楼自杀"严重杀伤艺人形象,因此经纪公司始终避用此字眼,还半开玩笑地说,洼冢是"空中俯冲"(dive)落地. 经纪公司虽表示意外,但根据出事现场研判,有不少的媒体指出,洼冢洋介跳楼时是以跳远方式,在阳台上加速冲过一公尺高的栏杆,


难道继非典、禽流感之后又开始流行跳楼?而且流行主体主要在集中大学生中?后者的死亡概率已远远超出前两种流行病. 据很多媒体报道,"大学生中间正在弥漫这一种恐慌!" 经查,流行病是这么定义的:流行病(Epidemic)指可以感染众多人口的传染病. ...

In The Midst of Angels:纯洁

Dan Gibson & John herberman ->(In The Midst of Angels)又译为>,307M,FLAC无损音频格式纯音乐,置身于清凛钢琴之中,无处不在的鸟鸣、海潮、流水...非常完美,可从1岁听到100岁,聪明宝宝胎教音乐的不二之选...歌手陈琳于10月31日上午跳楼自杀身亡,

He jumped:他跳楼了

Captain, Iook at this.|队长,请看 | He jumped!|他跳楼了 | Shit.|该死


死者潘婷尧(35岁,译音),生前居住在峇央峇鲁. 她于周六中午12时许,在垄尾山庄第8座组屋跳楼自杀. 她坠下楼时,压毁停放在组屋楼下的1辆国产敏鹿(Rusa)客货车.

I AM SO GRATEFUL for yesteryear:我很感激昔日

Who licked my face and jumped up and down.谁舔我的脸,跳楼上升和下降. | I AM SO GRATEFUL for yesteryear.我很感激昔日. | A mother's love, a father's care,一位母亲的爱,父亲的照顾,

poke around into why you jumped off the roof:到处寻找你跳楼的原因

10. quarterback四分卫(美式足球) | 11. poke around into why you jumped off the roof 到处寻找你跳楼的原因 | 12. Aren't you curious how this happened? 你不好奇么?

They say:据说

Well, I certainly don't think about leaping off of a building.|我绝对没想过要跳楼 | They say...|据说K | I read this in this fantastically depressing book.|我看过一本令人沮丧的书

No, the trauma's similar to some of the leapers I g:没有,外伤与那些 跳楼自杀的人相似

Anything not broken?|有什么没断裂的吗? | No, the trauma's similar to some of the leapers I g|没有,外伤与那些 跳楼自杀的人相似 | out of state, out of cash and out the window.|为了名声和钱 破窗而跳