英语人>词典>汉英 : 整数的 的英文翻译,例句
整数的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与整数的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article outlines the integer aliquot concept in the first primary theory of numbers, the basic nature, as well as some special integer divisible characteristics.


A ring of integers derived from the set of all integers according to the following rule: Let N be an integer greater than 1, and A and B be two other integers; if N is a factor of A?


A ring of integers derived from the set of all integers according to the following rule: Let N be an integer greater than 1, and A and B be two other integers; if N is a factor of A·B, then A is said to be congruent to a B modulo-N.


Expressed or expressible as or in terms of integers.


The so-called indeterminate equation is the solution in the range of integers, positive integers, rational numbers or integers of the equation or algebraic equations, whose unknowns are usually more than the number of equations ...


As long as all its supplies and demands have integer values, any transportation problem with feasible solutions is guaranteed to have an optimal solution with integer values for all its decision variables.


Enter a positive integer, the output from one to the integer array of the whole.


A good use of the integer type, the biggest 9999990 to support the decimal integer, It can perform large integers, plus or minus, multiplication, addition and modular, with a big round of the largest factions, extended Euclidean algorithm, the Chinese remainder theorem algorithm, Miller - Rabin primality testing algorithm, random generation of arbitrary integer spaces such as libraries, This kind of dynamic library has been used for commercial software, the reliability and speed is affirmed.


Using the divisible theory of the integer,the underside conclusion is proved:for all the vertex-coloring formulas of the regular polyhedron ,let be any integer,the result of these formulas is still the integer.


Constitute a set of all integers, integers,...


更多网络解释与整数的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

factorial of an integer:整数的阶乘

factorial notation 阶乘记号 | factorial of an integer 整数的阶乘 | factorial polynomial 阶乘多项式

integer:整数 整数

包括 整数 整数(Integer) 序列 ...,-2,-1,0,1,2,... 中的数称为整数.整数的全体构成整数集,它是一个环,记作Z(现代通常写成空心字母Z).环Z的势是阿列夫0.

factor of a normal series:正规序列的因子

商模 factor module | 正规序列的因子 factor of a normal series | 整数的因子 factor of an integer

partition of an integer:整数的分拆

partition function 分折函数 | partition of an integer 整数的分拆 | partition of unity 单位分解

partition of an integer:一整数的分解

partition of a set 集的分划,集合的分划,集合的划分 | partition of an integer 一整数的分解 | partition of load 负载分布


2)浮点数与整数浮点 整数 截去小数部分 3)无符号整数 一般整数(int)和无符号整数(unsigned)混合使用, 则简单整数转换成无符号整数. 晏海华 32 类型转换( 类型转换(续) 4)算术转换 如果一个运算符,有不同类型的运算对象,




hypot 计算直角三角形斜边长 108 | labs 计算长整数的绝对值 109 | close 关闭文件 216


DiagonalMatrix 生成对角距阵 | Divisors 求整数的因子 | dot(.) 矩阵、向量点集

an odd lot:不成整数的一批货

zero shear viscosity 零剪切粘度 | an odd lot 不成整数的一批货 | truthlessness 不诚实, 不可信任,虚伪