英语人>词典>英汉 : zeroth law of thermodynamics的中文,翻译,解释,例句
zeroth law of thermodynamics的中文,翻译,解释,例句

zeroth law of thermodynamics

zeroth law of thermodynamics的基本解释

[化] 热力学第零定律

更多网络例句与zeroth law of thermodynamics相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Temperature and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Simple Thermodynamic System, Work, Heat and First Law of Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of the Ideal Gases, The Second Law of Thermodynamics, The Carnot Cycle and the Thermodynamic Temperature, Entropy, Phase Diagram of a Pure Substances, First-Order and Second-Order Phase Transitions, Introduction to Statistical Mechanics (including Partition for Canonical Ensemble, M-B 、 F-D 、 B-E distributions), Thermal Properties of Solids.

热物理 ( S0437)(3,0)/热力学( S0434)(3,0)温度及热力学第零定律,简单热力学系统,功,热及热力学第一定律,理想气体动力论,热力学第二定律,卡诺循环与热力学温标,熵,纯物质的相图,一阶与二阶相变,统计力学简介(包括:正则系综的配分函数,马克斯威尔-玻兹曼分布,费米-狄拉克分布,玻色-爱因斯坦分布等),固体的热性质。

更多网络解释与zeroth law of thermodynamics相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

zeroth law of thermodynamics:热力学第零定律

38、热力学第零定律 (zeroth law of thermodynamics) 热力学中以热力学系统的热平衡为基础建立温度概念的定律. 通常表述为:两个系统每个均与第三个系统处于热平衡,则这两个系统彼此也必处于热平衡. 因为这个事实首先被C.麦克斯韦(Clark Micswell)规定为一个经验定律时,

zeroth law of thermodynamics:热力学零定律

zerorotation main sequence 无自转主序 | zeroth law of thermodynamics 热力学零定律 | zeroth mode 零次波型

zeroth law of thermodynamics:热力学零次定律

zero-shear-rate viscosity 零剪率黏度 | zeroth law of thermodynamics 热力学零次定律 | zonal harmonics 球带调和函数

zeroth law of thermodynamics:热 学第定

2636 zero correction 点校正 | 2637 zeroth law of thermodynamics 热 学第定 | 2638 zeroth order 级

degrees zeroth law of thermodynamics:热 学第定

bimetallic strip thermometer 双层 属片温 计 | degrees zeroth law of thermodynamics 热 学第定 | temperature scales 温 规模

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