英语人>词典>英汉 : workboxes的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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It was the same with her today as when she was a ragged, slouching child who fell into reveries in front of the chocolate maker's sweet-stuff shows or stood listening to a musical box in a neighboring shop or fell into supreme ecstasies over cheap, vulgarly designed knickknacks, such as nutshell workboxes, ragpickers' baskets for holding toothpicks, Vendome columns and Luxor obelisks on which thermometers were mounted.


On view, too, are workboxes they used, each filled with the strips of curled paper, pieces of wire and glass.


更多网络解释与workboxes相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Workboxes and sewing boxes, wooden:缝纫工具箱和缝纫蓝,木制的

Frames, wooden, for embroideries 绣框,木制的 | Workboxes and sewing boxes, wooden 缝纫工具箱和缝纫蓝,木制的 | Spinning wheels, wooden 绕线轮,木制的