英语人>词典>英汉 : woodenness的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

woodenness ['wudənnis]



更多网络例句与woodenness相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But tendencies of this kind asserted themselves more fully with the development of the communist movement and were particularly noticeable, and exerted a negative effect, in the thinking of Stalin, who in turn influenced Mao's philosophical views, even while Mao rejected and ruptured in significant ways with Stalin's tendencies toward "woodenness" and mechanical, somewhat metaphysical, materialism.


Who knows what beautiful and winged life, whose egg has been buried for ages under many concentric layers of woodenness in the dead dry life of society,deposited at first in the alburnum of the green and living tree,which has been gradually converted into the semblance of its well-seasoned tomb —— heard perchance gnawing out now for years by the astonished family of man, as they sat round the festive board ——may unexpectedly come forth from amidst society's most trivial and handselled furniture, to enjoy its perfect summer life at last!


更多网络解释与woodenness相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


woodenly 笨拙地 | woodenness 粗鲁的人 | woodenware 木制用具


woodennare /木制器具/ | woodenness /呆板/ | woodenware /木制用具/

woodenness:木制品; 粗鲁的人 (名)

woodenly 木制地; 木然地; 呆板地, 笨拙地 (副) | woodenness 木制品; 粗鲁的人 (名) | woodenware 木制用具 (名)