英语人>词典>英汉 : wolf child的中文,翻译,解释,例句
wolf child的中文,翻译,解释,例句

wolf child

wolf child的基本解释


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This theory thereafter became the most tenable answer in 'wolf child' studies.


A wolf child also had his moral standards, I wanted to be alive, I needed to let others be alive also.


Such one again again 3, as a result, nobody hears him , it is true to be wolf time, that child no matter how to let nobody to understand him, people consider as the trick of child.


Someone says I spend the 200 thousand program that make, I think if you are not to sell a program,those who say is, do a website however, might as well of my what try promotion old law abandon child cover a wolf, perhaps can receive expect to be less than the effect.


At this moment, the mind fragment got together yesterday night run away again, I became back to a wolf child whose whole purpose was for surviving.


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wolf child:狼孩

有的性能超群,他们共同的特点是,产量小,手工或半手工选料及制造,音色和性能都非常地超群,远远拉开与大批量生产的廉价效果器的区别. 中国过去也曾有人做过这些,但并不成功,一直到狼孩(Wolf child)问世,这个局面终于被打破了.

a wolf child:狼孩

39.wolf狼 | a wolf child狼孩 | a wolf note粗砺音

The Child from Wolf Valley:从狼谷那边来的孩子

守候冬日的太阳 Waiting for Winter Sun 39 | 从狼谷那边来的孩子The Child from Wolf Valley 40 | 微风撩动发梢 Breeze Teases the Hair 41