英语人>词典>英汉 : wide area network的中文,翻译,解释,例句
wide area network的中文,翻译,解释,例句

wide area network

wide area network的基本解释


更多网络例句与wide area network相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Riverbed Technology is the IT infrastructure performance company. The Riverbed family of wide area network optimization solutions liberates businesses from common IT constraints by increasing application performance, enabling consolidation, and providing enterprise-wide network and application visibility ?

Riverbed Technology致力于提升企业IT架构的性能,为企业提供广域网路应用加速、应用效能管理等一系列解决方案,从而解决了地点、频宽和延迟带来的问题,增强了员工工作效率。

This directed network approach is also friendly to Wide Area Networks, enabling changes to subsequent destinations to traverse the network once to a single site for later fan-out to other destinations, rather than sending to each destination directly.

定向网络方式也适合在广域网(Wide Area Networks,WAN)中使用,消息不必直接发送到目的地,而可以首先发往一个节点,再通过网络发送到后续节点。

Some possible applications of wide-area measurement system in power system are gathered up, including applications in static analysis, recording dynamic procedures of the whole power network and post-contingency analysis, identifying and calibrating the dynamic model of power system, transient stability prediction and control, voltage and frequency stability monitoring and control, analyzing and damping the low frequency oscillation, global feedback control, fault location and parameter measurement o...

综述了广域测量系统(Wide-Area Measurement System,WAMS)在电力系统稳态分析、全网动态过程记录和事后分析、电力系统动态模型辨识和模型校正、暂态稳定预测及控制、电压和频率稳定监视及控制、低频振荡分析及抑制、全局反馈控制、故障定位及线路参数测量等方面的应用。通过这些应用可以看到,WAMS给电力系统分析与控制提供了新的视角和解决方法,值得深入研究。

更多网络解释与wide area network相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wide area network Client/Server:客户机/服务器

Local Area Network WAN广域网 | wide area network Client/Server客户机/服务器 | Re:IT计算机英语词汇 1 Year, 1 Month ago Karma: 0

local area network:区域网路

包括:利用在一定的范围内架设无线网路基地台,使得电脑或其它的装置可以利用此一无线基地台连结到区域网路(Local Area Network)或广域网路(Wide Area Network),使用网路所提供的服务.

LAN Local Area Network:局域网

通常指这样的网路为局域网(LAN Local Area Network)由LAN再延伸出去更大的范围,比如整个城市甚至整个国家这样的网路我们称为广域网(WAN Wide Area Network).