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Let n ≥ 4 be a fixed integer, R be a unital commutative ring of characteristic not 2, and D_n be a D_n-type classical Lie algebra over R.


We discuss the completely tr-rank nonincreasing linear maps on finite vN algebras and prove that a unital self-adjoint and surjective linear map on finite vN algebras is completely tr-rank preserving if and only if it is a spatial 〓-automorphism that leaves the central elements fixed.


Based on the knowledge of real f -algebra, the important properties of semi and unital complex f -algebra are studied.


On the condition of normality, the question whether the unital complex f -algebra satisfies the property and multiple decomposition property are considered.


Furthermore, it is presented that if I is a two-sided ideal of a unital ring R and I is an exchange general ring,then every central element of I is a clean element in I.


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unital module:单位的模

12749,"unit vector","单位向量" | 12750,"unital module","单位的模" | 12751,"unitary","么正的"