英语人>词典>英汉 : twilight state的中文,翻译,解释,例句
twilight state的中文,翻译,解释,例句

twilight state

twilight state的基本解释

[医] 朦胧状态

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In my twilight, unfocused state I saw him almost as a spirit shape rather than a full blown person.


They're in a twilight state, partially awake and partially asleep.


In my twilight, unfocused state I saw him almost as a spirit shape rather than a full blown person.


The mage creates a gateway that transforms anyone who steps through it into a Twilight state of existence.


In my twilight , unfocused state I


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twilight state:朦胧状态

(3)朦胧状态(twilight state) 发作突然,通常持续1至数小时,有时可长达1周以上. 患者表现为意识障碍,伴有情感和感知觉障碍,如恐怖、愤怒等,也可表现情感淡漠、思维及动作迟缓等.

epilepsy twilight state:癫痫性朦胧状态

epilepsy stupor 癫痫性木僵 | epilepsy twilight state 癫痫性朦胧状态 | epilepsy 癫痫

epilepsy twilight state:癫痫性朦胧状态epilepsy 癫痫

epilepsy stupor 癫痫性木僵 | epilepsy twilight state 癫痫性朦胧状态epilepsy 癫痫 | epileptic state 癫痫持续状态

traumatic twilight state:外伤性朦胧状态

traumatic psychosis 外伤性精神病 | traumatic twilight state 外伤性朦胧状态 | traumatic 创伤

ss twilight state:甘塞尔昏暗状态 甘塞尔昏暗状态

Ganser syndrome 甘塞尔综合症 | ss twilight state 甘塞尔昏暗状态 甘塞尔昏暗状态 | gaol 监狱

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