英语人>词典>英汉 : trafficator的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

trafficator ['træfikeitə]



更多网络例句与trafficator相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Justice is not promoted by asking a witness, as I have heard a witness asked , why he did not see the trafficator on a vehicle which he has already said he did not see at all; nor by pressing a cyclist who was thrown into the air by collision with a motorcycle to state exactly on what part of his machine the impact occurred.


更多网络解释与trafficator相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

winking trafficator:(汽车)闪光信号灯

WIP wiper 刮雨器 | winking trafficator (汽车)闪光信号灯 | wing-headed bolt 蝶形头螺栓,元宝头螺栓

winking trafficator:(汽车)闪光旌旗灯号灯

WIP wiper 刮雨器 | winking trafficator (汽车)闪光旌旗灯号灯 | wing-headed bolt 蝶形头螺栓,元宝头螺栓

self-can celling trafficator:自动消除讯号方向指示器

self-calibration angle sensor ==> 自己校正角度センサ | self-can celling trafficator ==> 自动消除讯号方向指示器 | self-cancelling ==> 自相抵销(的)


traffic 交通 | trafficator 方向指示器 | trafficker 商人

trafficator:转向指示器 方向转向指示器

trafficanalysis 交通分析 | trafficator 转向指示器 方向转向指示器 | trafficblock 交通阻塞

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