英语人>词典>英汉 : to be worn out的中文,翻译,解释,例句
to be worn out的中文,翻译,解释,例句

to be worn out

to be worn out的基本解释


更多网络例句与to be worn out相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your wheel is no longer safe,for it's about to be worn out.


I never expected the shoes to be worn out so soon.


B I never expected the shoes to be worn out so soon.


The garment is able to be worn inside out.


Choose clothing that can be mixed and matched to be worn in and out of the workplace.


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更多网络解释与to be worn out相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to be worn out:被穿破、被用旧

at times 有时,间或 | to be worn out 被穿破、被用旧 | turn up 到来,出席

to be worn out:破旧

748to be sure of肯定,肯定能得到 | 749to be worn out破旧 | 750to burst out冲口说出

Changing to be so worn out:化 作 多 少 憔 悴

Wandering as the years pass in rush 流 落 在 歲 月 匆 匆 裡 | Changing to be so worn out 化 作 多 少 憔 悴 | Songs are used to express worried thoughts 愁 思 唯 寄 於 歌 聲 裡

It`s too worn out to be filled:[这颗牙坏得太历害了,无法补了. ]

.Open your mouth, please.[请张开嘴. ] | .It's too worn out to be filled.[这颗牙坏得太历害了,无法补了. ] | .Have you ever had an injection of procaine(pencillin) before?[你以前打过普鲁卡因(青霉素)吗...

This pair of horseshoes has to be changed; it's worn out:这副马蹄铁该换了,都磨光了

7357. He went to the forest on horseback. 他... | 7358. This pair of horseshoes has to be changed; it's worn out. 这副马蹄铁该换了,都磨光了. | 7360. She bought many socks in the hosiery department. 她在...