英语人>词典>英汉 : throat-clearing的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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He began the kiss, and he had to end it; I clung to him, ignoring the titters and the throat-clearing in the audience.


The bulk of internal e-mails are exercises in back-covering or throat-clearing, and so if they were forced down to their barest essentials it would become clear that there was nothing there at all.


His prose is also filled with eccentric grammatical linkages, throat-clearing formulations such as "and but so", neologisms and slashing changes of register from the language of the seminar room to that of doing bong hits ("as part of some multivalent defamiliarisation-flourish or some such shit").

他的散文还充满了古怪的语法联系,清嗓子的配方,如&and but so&,新的词汇,从语言研究班教室的记录器的巨大变化,到那些砰砰的打击。(&作为某些作品的多种感染力,几乎家喻户晓的全盛,或如此之类的东西。&

The vocal tics are often multiple with explosive repetitive vocalizations, throat-clearing, and grunting, and there may be the use of obscene words or phrases.


Common simple vocal tics include throat-clearing, barking, sniffing, and hissing.


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