英语人>词典>英汉 : tensibility的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

tensibility [,tensə'biliti]



更多网络例句与tensibility相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first one and the eleventh one are concentrate to the tensibility of finger,the second one are famous of it"s fingering techri-ique which is the typical fingering of Chopin,the third and six one are experience the layer of multi voice parts,the fourth one is difficult at it"s sharp-- pointed music proceeding and the fifth one are playing almost all black keys,humorousness is performance in the bass field in the eighth one,the ninth and the twelfth one are training stretching and running technique of left hand,harmonic innovate are visibly reflected at the seventh,the tenth and the eleventh one.


In this paper, the linear relationships were predicted theoretically that tensile strength, tensibility and re-spring degree are affected by the cell size distribution character.


It have a big tensibility and a large range of rigidity, also it have excenllent endurement of grind, biology compatibility and blood compatibility.


Glass fiber is used to reinforce material for increasing toughness, flexural strength, and tensibility in unsaturated polymer modified concrete.


It is proved that the Physical flexibility of university students can be improved through scientific and reasonable practice and it can also help to improve tensibility and sport of the muscle and the extension quality and difficulty...


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更多网络解释与tensibility相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


tennis shoe网球鞋 | tensibility伸张性 | tensile force test拉应力试验


hob 滚刀, 铁架 | tensibility 伸长性 | garage 汽车间, 修车厂, 车库 <单词词性>放入车库


"驱条虫剂","tenifuge, taenifuge" | "可伸张性","tensibility" | "伸张性","tensile"

tensibility:延性 可展性

tensepulse 紧脉 | tensibility 延性 可展性 | tensible 能伸展