英语人>词典>英汉 : taula的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

taula ['taulə]



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The hotel's Taula Restaurant serves a range of tasty, innovative dishes made with fresh, local produce.

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A form of banking had been practised in Genoa and elsewhere in Italy since the middle of the 12th century. In 1401, a bank the Taula de la Ciutat was founded in Barcelona, in effect to act as the treasury of the government of Catalonia.

自12世纪中叶开始,意大利热那亚和其它地区就已开始实行一种早期银行模式。1401年,一家名为Taula de la Ciutat的银行成立于巴塞罗那,实际上是充当加泰罗尼亚政府国库的作用。