英语人>词典>英汉 : syntaxis的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

syntaxis [sin'tæksis]


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Eastern Himalaya Syntaxis is an important area in studying climatic-tectonic reciprocity. In this paper, single-crystal-high-precision laser ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar method was used to build the thermal evolutional history of Eastern Himalaya Syntaxis by tests on river sediments on the lower reach of Yalung-Tsangpo River. The contrast of age statistical results against the figure showing the changes in rate and angle of convergence during India plate has been colliding against Eurasian plate since late Mesozoic and the diagram consisting of global deep-seaδ18O andδ13C records is done, for the purpose of revealing climatic and tectonic information on rock cooling and referring the relationship between thermal evolutional history and climate and tectonics.

东喜马拉雅构造结是气候与构造相互作用的典型地区,本文尝试使用单颗粒高精度单次全熔~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar法对采自雅鲁藏布江大峡谷下游墨脱县城以南约50 km处地东河段的细粒现代河沙进行年代学测试,建立东喜马拉雅构造结的热史演化序列,并通过与代表全球气候变化的18O、13C浓度变化曲线和印度大陆向北运动的速度、角度变化曲线的对比,揭示气候、构造因素与东喜马拉雅构造结热史演化的耦合,推定热史演化与气候、构造过程的关系。

In central Himalaya, massif was mainly uplifted in the tectonic model of channel flow during 17~7 Ma at a velocity of ~2 mm/a, then was extruded to earth surface at a much lower velocity. In eastern Himalaya Syntaxis, massif was mainly uplifted in the structural style of titling at a background of isostasy since 4.0~2.2 Ma.

喜马拉雅中段主要在17~7 Ma前以通道流的方式快速隆升,之后的抬升过程相对缓慢;东喜马拉雅构造结则主要在3 Ma以来,以地壳均衡作用为背景的掀斜式抬升为主要隆升模式。

The term syntax is from the ancient Greek word syntaxis , which literally means "arrangement" or "setting out together".

这个词的语法是由古希腊文字syntaxis ,它字面上的意思是&安排&或&确定了一起&。

The difference of thermal evolutional history between central Himalaya and Eastern Himalaya Syntaxis shows that they uplifted in different tectonic style at different period of time.


The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis is a singular point of continental collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates, and has been focused by many geoscientists.


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