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Leaves alternate, odd-pinnate; stipules caducous; leaflets 3-10 pairs; petiolule short, with stipels; blades narrowly ovate to ovate, margin serrate, subcoriaceous, glabrous or pubescent. Flowers small, yellow.

叶互生,奇数羽状复叶;托叶早落小叶3-10 对;小叶柄短,带有小托叶;叶片狭卵形到卵形,边缘有锯齿,似革质,无毛或被短柔毛。

Leaves opposite, exstipulate, odd-pinnately compound or simple; petiole constricted at tip; leaflet blades leathery, sometimes with stipels.


These bundles will become part of the vascular tissue of the stipels at the base of the individual leaflets.


Stipules and stipels usually present; flowers usually bisexual; disk cupular; sepals, petals, and stamens inserted at edge of disk.

托叶和小托叶通常宿存;花通常两性;花盘杯状萼片,花瓣和在花盘的边缘着生的雄蕊。 2 Garuga 白头树属

Stipules and stipels absent; flowers usually unisexual; disk usually annular; sepals, petals, and stamens inserted outside of disk.

托叶和小托叶缺席;花通常单性;花盘通常环状;萼片,花瓣和着生花盘的雄蕊。 1 Protium 马蹄果属

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small stipels:小托叶

small stems ==> 小枝条 | small stipels ==> 小托叶 | small stone block ==> 小方石