英语人>词典>英汉 : stercoral的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

stercoral ['stə:kərəl]


[医] 粪的, 含粪的

更多网络例句与stercoral相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Conservative therapy, including colonic clyster and intravenous drip of octreotide acetate, is effective on most of the elderly with stercoral obstruction of colon.


Methods From 1990 to 2002,32 cases with stercoral perforation of colon were analyzed retrospectively.


Objective To investigate the clinical feature and treatment of stercoral obstruction of colon in elderly patients.

目的 探讨老年性粪石性结肠梗阻高位灌肠等非手术治疗的安全性和疗效。

Methods Twentynine elderly patients with stercoral obstruction of colon were analyzed retrospectively on the basis of clinical data.


No one died of stercoral obstruction.


更多网络解释与stercoral相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Diphtheritic enteritis; Stercoral diphthery:便秘性肠白喉

Diphtheric granulation 固膜性肉芽 | Diphtheritic enteritis; Stercoral diphthery 便秘性肠白喉 | Diphtheroid 类白喉

stercoral:粪便的; 粪栖的, 食粪的 (形)

stercoraceous 粪便的; 粪便状的; 含粪的 (形) | stercoral 粪便的; 粪栖的, 食粪的 (形) | stere 立方米; 立方公尺 (名)

stercoral pouch:粪胆素原

粪囊 stercobilinogen | 粪胆素原 stercoral pouch | 贼鸥科 STERCORARIIDAE

stercoral pouch:粪囊

\\"吐粪\\",\\"stercoraceous vomiting\\" | \\"粪囊\\",\\"stercoral pouch\\" | \\"静纤毛\\",\\"stereocillia\\"

Stercoral tumor:粪块

Facial tumor 面肿瘤 | Faecal tumor; Fecaloma; Stercoral tumor; Fecal tumor 粪块 | Fall wound 坠伤

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