英语人>词典>英汉 : spoil ground的中文,翻译,解释,例句
spoil ground的中文,翻译,解释,例句

spoil ground

spoil ground的基本解释


更多网络例句与spoil ground相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, it is feasible to popularize Vetiveria zizaniodes cultivation to protect the slope of spoil ground along the expressway.


Ecological control to the slope of spoil ground is the key project of environmental protection in expressway construction.


Ecological restoration and soil and water conservation of spoil ground slope are the key projects of environmental protection in expressway construction.


The monitoring experiment for soil and water loss in the spoil ground of BeijingZhuhai expressway's south section within the boundary of Guangdong Province was conducted to study the soil and water loss, ecological control and application effects of the slopes of spoil ground.


In order to made a study of law of development of side slope gully erosion of highway spoil ground ,upgrowth characteristic and law of development of gully erosion and realation between intercolparis erosion and gully erosion had been studied in the spoil ground of constructing Hurongxi expressway of Hubei province.


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更多网络解释与spoil ground相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

spoil ground:废土场

spoil disposal 废土弃置;排泥 | spoil ground 废土场 | spot height 高程点

spoil ground:弃土场;卸泥场

spoil 清除物;废弃泥石 | spoil ground 弃土场;卸泥场 | spoil management 弃土管理

spoil ground:倒泥区

spoil ground dunnage 垫舱材 | spoil ground 倒泥区 | spoil ground 泥土倾倒区

spoil ground:泥土倾倒区

spoil ground 倒泥区 | spoil ground 泥土倾倒区 | spoil hopper 泥舱

gazetted spoil dumping ground:宪报公布的卸泥场

gazetted beach 宪报公布的泳滩 | gazetted spoil dumping ground 宪报公布的卸泥场 | gei wei fish pond 基围鱼塘

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