英语人>词典>英汉 : solar day的中文,翻译,解释,例句
solar day的中文,翻译,解释,例句

solar day

solar day的基本解释


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In everyday life, in order to level the length of the solar day basis.


Besides, we have every faith in that all the energies in the world will be replaced by solar energy one day!


And it would bring the day closer when solar electricity is as cheap as that generated from coal.


The daily rising of the sun provided a short unit of time, the solar day.


At Nevada Solar One the other day, Mr. Boucher, 30, ran the computerized control room.


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solar day:太阳日

故金星的太阳日(solar day)长度为117天. 金星有密度相当高的大气层,其中96%为二氧化碳,3.5%为氮气,剩下为水、硫酸、盐酸及氢氟酸. 大量的二氧化碳带来严重的温室效应,令金星成为全太阳最热的行星,温度达753K,即摄氏480度.

solar day:晴天

Smehoh 流转 | Solar Day 晴天 | Solure 休里尔

solar day:太阳日[天]

solar constant 太阳常数[天] | solar day 太阳日[天] | solar eclipse 日蚀[天]

solar day:[天]太阳日

solar battery 太阳电池 | solar day [天]太阳日 | solar eclipse [天]日食

mean solar day:平均太阳日

mean rounds to failure (MRTF) 平均失敗輪數 | mean solar day 平均太陽日 | mean solar time 平均太陽時

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