英语人>词典>英汉 : skyjacking的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

skyjacking ['skai,dʒækiŋ]


[变形] skyjack的现在分词



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If you are the victim of a skyjacking, know where the plane's closest emergency exits are located.


Today, the D.B. Cooper case remains the world's only unsolved skyjacking.


Himmelsbach believes the skyjacking may have been a criminal's last hurrah and says Weber is one of the best suspects he has come across.


This essay, based on the current legislation related to the International aviation crime, analyses the contents and principles of the four acting international convention as well as the conviction classification and inscape of three major aviation related crime, namely crime of skyjacking, crime against the safety of aerostat, crime of sabotaging the safety of aerodrome.


The Supreme Court of Pakistan has overturned the skyjacking charge against former premier Nawaz Shariff, thus cleared the way for the popular politician to run for public office again.

由先进材料制成被认为有助于刷新世界纪录的泳衣,明年可能被禁止。据 Alex Capstick 报道,游泳管理机构国际泳联称,未来的泳衣必须由天然纺织原料制成。

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更多网络解释与skyjacking相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


skyjack 劫机 | skyjacking 劫机 | skylab 太空实验室

skyjacking:劫机 (名)

skyjacker 劫机者 (名) | skyjacking 劫机 (名) | skylab 太空实验室 (名)

crime of skyjacking:劫持航空器罪

劫持船只、汽车罪 crime of hijacking a ship or an automobile | 劫持航空器罪 crime of skyjacking | 结果犯 consequential offen

airplane hijacking; aerial hijacking; skyjacking:劫持飞机

airplane hijacker;劫持飞机者; ; | airplane hijacking; aerial hijacking; skyjacking;劫持飞机; ; | airport of debarkation;下机机场;下载机场; ;