英语人>词典>英汉 : sal ammoniac的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sal ammoniac的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sal ammoniac

sal ammoniac的基本解释

氯化氨, 卤砂

更多网络例句与sal ammoniac相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dependence of current efficiency on concentration of pyruvic acid, ammonia, and sal ammoniac.η value reached 90% at an optimum condition.


更多网络解释与sal ammoniac相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sal Ammoniac:硇砂

Sago Leaf 凤尾蕉叶 | Sal Ammoniac 硇砂 | Sampson St. John'swort Herb 元宝草

Sal Ammoniac:卤砂

Sakura dynamite 樱花牌黄色炸药 | sal ammoniac 卤砂 | salamander 无栅小火炉

Sal Ammoniac:氯化铵

sal ammoniac spirit 盐精 | sal ammoniac 氯化铵 | sal log 流压测程计

Sal Ammoniac:卤砂、氯化氨

010058 卤精(氢氧化铵) Spirits of salt | 010057 卤砂、氯化氨 Sal ammoniac | 010047 铝矾 Aluminium alum

sal ammoniac cell:氯化氨电池

"salable ","畅销的,可出售的" | "sal-ammoniac cell ","氯化氨电池" | "sale ","出售,销售,销路,销售额"

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