英语人>词典>英汉 : sailor boy的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sailor boy的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sailor boy

更多网络例句与sailor boy相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'll be having that, sailor boy.


Technically, that isn't the top window, is it, sailor boy?


Place the last sailor boy on the small footprint at bottom right corner of the cabinet holding the projector.


更多网络解释与sailor boy相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sailor boy:赛勒小子

Didn't you?|难道不是吗? | Sailor boy!|赛勒小子! | How'd you like|你想不想...

Sailor boy:严格的说 那可不是顶楼窗户 - 对吧? 水手哥

There isn't any way he'd be coming over that terr... | Technically, that isn't the top window, is it, sailor boy?|- 严格的说 那可不是顶楼窗户 - 对吧? 水手哥 | - What is it? - Well, it's the middle wind...

Sailor boy:渡帆船的海

363-暑假的牵牛花 French Blue | 364-渡帆船的海 Sailor Boy | 365-蓝色梦幻 True Purple

I'll be having that, sailor boy:我要住那儿 水手

Bugger. Condemned to her sister's.|混蛋 去她姐姐那儿 | I'll be having that, sailor boy.|我要住那儿 水手 | Needn't let... Small matter of a wife?|没必要让... 和老婆吵架了?

She fell in love with a sailor boy:和一个水兵坠入爱河

She's all in her tender years. 在她稚嫩的年月里 | She fell in love with a sailor boy, 和一个水兵坠入爱河 | It's true she loved him well. 这是真的,她爱他

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