英语人>词典>英汉 : rusticated的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



[变形] rusticate的过去分词


去乡下, 使定居乡下, 到农村去, 过乡村生活, 住在农村, 下乡

更多网络例句与rusticated相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was rusticated for his bad bahavior.


Wood designed the great curved facade of what appears to be about 30 three storey houses with Ionic columns on a rusticated ground floor.


Occasionally, in the early 1970s, a rusticated youth of Cultural Revolution in China, Chen Jun, applied himself to the research and development of this craftwork based on the record of historical materials, which has lasted for more than 35 years.


Monumental ramps lead from the vehicular entry to the upper poolside terrace, and a wide formal path by the great stone carver Masatoshi Izumi begins in the rusticated manner of the castle and gradually changes to a perfectly smooth surface as it approaches the sleek new museum.

宏伟的坡道引导车辆进入上层池畔阳台,一条由雕刻家Masatoshi Izumi修筑的宽阔正道从富有民俗的风格渐渐向光亮的表面延伸,穿过井然有序的新博物馆。

更多网络解释与rusticated相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rusticated ashlars:粗琢方石

panel面板、嵌板 | rusticated ashlars粗琢方石 | rough rubble粗毛石

rusticated suspended:停职,停学

running knot slip knot 滑结 | rusticated suspended 停职,停学 | salt beef corned beef 腌牛肉

rusticated column:箍形柱

rustic masonry ==> 粗面圬工 | rusticated column ==> 箍形柱 | rusting ==> 生锈

rusticated ashlar:凸角石

rustic masonry ==> 粗面圬工 | rusticated ashlar ==> 凸角石 | rusticated column ==> 箍形柱

Urban youth were rusticated "to learn from the peasants:下乡,把...送到乡下

下网 Off line | 下乡,把...送到乡下 Urban youth were rusticated "to learn from the peasants" | 下游行业 Downstream industry