英语人>词典>英汉 : relativeness的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

relativeness ['relətivnis]



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The perfectness and absoluteness of God mirror the imperfectness and relativeness of this side of the world.


The relations mainly cover three aspects: hyponymy ,antonymy and relativeness.


It is concluded that (1) there are no relationships between fusion rate and relativeness of the recipient cytoplasm to nucleus donor cells,(2) cytoplast of the goat MII oocyte can support the preimplantation development of SCNT embryos reconstructed with nucleus from other species,(3) the blastocyst rate of close relative inter-species SCNT embryos is higher than that of distant relative inter-species SCNT embryos.

由此结果得出以下结论:(1)山羊M II期卵母细胞胞质与供核细胞之间的亲缘性不影响两者的融合率;(2)山羊M II期卵母细胞的胞质能支持异种间体细胞核移植胚的着床前发育;(3)亲缘关系近的种间核移植胚的囊胚发育率高于亲缘关系远的种间核移植胚的。

This paper is explained for collecting the weedy rice from the Northeast area and studying its resistance: using the RAPD molecular markers technology for fingerprint analysis, and set up the Classifying phonogram to discuss the relativeness.

本文就我国东北地区出现的杂草稻进行了收集,并对其外观特征特性及其抗逆性进行了研究;同时对我国东北地区杂草稻的起源进行了初步性的探讨,利用RAPD分子标记技术对所收集的杂草稻进行指纹分析,建立了树状遗传图,探讨其亲缘关系,获得了以下一些主要结论: 1。

I was very surprised that the famous artist had relativeness with my family.


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更多网络解释与relativeness相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

relativeness:亲戚关系 (名)

relatively 相对地, 比较而言; 相当地 (副) | relativeness 亲戚关系 (名) | relativism 相对论, 相对主义 (名)

indirect relativeness:间接相关项

"parent process chain"="父级进程链" | "indirect relativeness"="间接相关项" | "critical registry modification"="危险紧急的注册表修改"

Relativismus relativism,relativeness:相对主义

现在 Jetzt now,present 260 | 相对主义 Relativismus relativism,relativeness 408 | 相合 Deckung coincidence 101