英语人>词典>英汉 : pulpectomy的中文,翻译,解释,例句



牙髓摘除术, 去髓术

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One of the main objectives of the visit was to examine the application of testicular pulpectomy ("surgical castration") on sentenced sex-offenders.


AIM:To evaluate the short period clinical responses after one-visit root canal filling and pulpectomy for infected permanent teeth.

目的 :观察去髓术、根管治疗术一次法的近期临床反应。

Firstly, we performed pulpotomy for posterior teeth and pulpectomy for anterior teeth. And the experiments were divided into four groups. In the first group, nothing was put in the pulp chamber or canals. In the second group, deciduous dental pulp stem cells of mini-pig with cultured medium were transplanted into the pulp chamber and pulp canals. In the third group, deciduous dental pulp stem cells of mini-pig with lovastatin were transplanted. In the fourth group, deciduous dental pulp stem cells of mini-pig with odontoblast induction medium were transplanted.

在动物实验中,我们将迷你猪乳牙的前牙作拔髓,后牙做断髓处理,各分成四组做实验,第一组不放任何细胞、第二组加入迷你猪乳牙牙髓干细胞和培养液、第三组加入迷你猪乳牙牙髓干细胞和lovastatin,第四组加入迷你猪乳牙牙髓干细胞和odontoblast induction medium,观察三个月后,以探讨其牙齿组织是否会再生。

The volumes of amalgam fillings (triple-surface) and pulpectomy increased after payment adjusted upward; the volume of endodontic treatment (single- and triple-root), complicated tooth extraction decreased after payment adjusted upward; amalgam fillings (single- and double-surface), endodontic treatment (double-root), simple odontodectomy showed inconsistent trends.


The database was composed of 18 dental treatments from January 1988 to December 2004. The 18 dental treatments included in this study as following: Amalgam fillings (single-, double-, and triple-surface), composite resin fillings of anterior teeth (single- and double-surface), composite resin fillings of posterior teeth (single-, double-, and triple-surface), glassionomer fillings, endodontic treatment (single-, double-, and triple-root), pulpectomy, full mouth scaling, simple tooth extraction, complicated tooth extraction, simple odontodectomy, complicated odontodectomy.


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更多网络解释与pulpectomy相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pulp extirpation, pulpectomy:牙髓摘除[术]

apexification 根尖诱导形成术 | pulp extirpation, pulpectomy 牙髓摘除[术] | pulpotomy 牙髓切断术


去髓术(pulpectomy)是在局麻下或牙髓失活后,将全部牙髓去除,去除后预备根管,用能被吸收的根管充填材料充填根管,保留患牙的治疗方法. 去髓术(pulpectomy)是在局麻下或牙髓失活后,将全部牙髓去除,去除后预备根管,用能被吸收的根管充填材料充填根管,


pulp exposure 牙髓暴露 | pulpectomy 牙骨摘除术 | pulpitis 牙髓炎


pulpal cell 脾细胞 | pulpectomy 牙髓摘除术 | pulpitis 牙髓炎


pulpboard /纸浆纸板/ | pulpectomy /牙髓摘除术/去髓术/ | pulpefaction /成髓/髓化/