英语人>词典>英汉 : preordination的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

preordination [,pri:ɔ:di'neiʃən]


预定, 预先注定命运

更多网络例句与preordination相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While the Pharisees thus held the doctrine of absolute preordination, side by side with it they were anxious to insist on man's freedom of choice, his personal responsibility, and moral obligation.

虽然法利举行这样的理论绝对preordination ,并肩与他们急於要坚持人的自由选择,他个人的责任和道德义务。

This is inexorable preordination, is the lapping felicity line by line as same as poem, is bestowment from God, is fruit washed by tears bearing in heart


He argues that the essence of beauty lies in harmony and order. The origin of beauty comes from the preordination of God. Thereby he introduces the factor of purpose into his explanation of beauty in an attempt to establish a link between imagery and the rational realm. Starting from his theories of monads, he demonstrates the duality of esthetic sense, which is both clear and confused. His th...


更多网络解释与preordination相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

preordination:预定, 预先注定命运

inconveniency 麻烦, 不方便之处 | preordination 预定, 预先注定命运 | die forging 热模锻 模锻件


preordain 预定 | preordination 预定 | prep 准备功课


preorder 先根 | preordination 预先注定命运 | preoxygenation 预充氧呼吸法

preordination:预定; 预先注定命运 (名)

preordained 注定的, 天命的, 命定的 (形) | preordination 预定; 预先注定命运 (名) | prep 预习; 准备工作; 预备班 (名)

preordination- nonoperating income:缘分是--营业外收入

牐牥情是--无形资产, love-intangible assets | 缘分是--营业外收入, preordination- nonoperating income | 牐牻峄槭--合并报表, marriage---combine statement