英语人>词典>英汉 : prefecture apostolic的中文,翻译,解释,例句
prefecture apostolic的中文,翻译,解释,例句

prefecture apostolic

prefecture apostolic的基本解释


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In 1686 Upper Egypt was separated, and became in 1697 an independent prefecture Apostolic.


The mission on the German islands was separated from the Diocese of Cebú on 1 October, 1906, and made a prefecture Apostolic on 18 June, 1907, with Saipan as its seat of administration, and the mission is now in charge of the German Capuchins.

访问团在德国岛屿脱离教区宿务10月1日, 1906年,并提出了使徒县6月18日, 1907年,与塞班岛作为其所在地的政府和现在的任务是负责德国

In the territory of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, reinstituted in 1847, the Franciscans have 24 convents, and 15 parishes; in Syria (the Prefecture Apostolic of Aleppo), to which also belong Phoenicia and Armenia, they have 20 convents and 15 parishes, while in Lower Egypt they occupy 16 convents and 16 parishes.


In the Prefecture Apostolic of San León de Amazonas, at the mission stations of Peba, Río Tigre, and Leticia in the territory of the Iquito Indians there are 9 priests.

在县使徒圣莱昂的亚马孙,在特派团站Peba ,里奥提格雷和莱蒂西亚在其境内的Iquito印第安人有9个牧师。