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Ornithologist John Gould told him the birds he had studied on the Galapagos Islands were perfectly adapted to the island environment. Palaeontologist Richard Owen told him the fossils he had found were of extinct relatives of South American animals living today.


Christian Sidor, a palaeontologist at the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine in the United States.


"They belong to a group that scientists had thought had gone extinct a long time earlier," said Dr. Christian Sidor, a palaeontologist at the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine in the United States.


"The limb proportions of Xixianykusare among the most extreme ever recorded for a theropod dinosaur," says Dr Corwin Sullivan, a Canadian palaeontologist based at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and one of the authors of the study.

Xixianykusare肢干的比例对于肉食恐龙里其是有记录里来的极限,一位在中国科学院的加拿大古生物学家同时也是这项研究的作者之一的Corwin Sullivan博士说道。

If you ever want to become a palaeontologist, Dylan, you've got to learn your dinosaurs better than that.


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palaeontologicmarker 古生物标志 | palaeontologist 古生物学家 | palaeontology 古生物学