英语人>词典>英汉 : overpeer的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

overpeer ['əuvə'piə]



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Or, as it were, the pageants of the sea,Do overpeer the petty traffickers,That curtsy to them, do them reverence


SALARINO Your mind is tossing on the ocean; There, where your argosies with portly sail, Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood, Or, as it were, the pageants of the sea, Do overpeer the petty traffickers, That curtsy to them, do them reverence, As they fly by them with their woven wings.

salarino 你的心是丢地球上的海洋;因此,如果你与argosies魁梧出海像signiors丰富伯格对洪水或者,它作为人,选美的大海,做的overpeer零用贩子喏说,他们做他们的崇敬,它们飞经他们与自己编织的翅膀。