英语人>词典>英汉 : outflanked的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



[变形] outflank的过去分词


包抄, 迂回, 智胜

更多网络例句与outflanked相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But, drawing on off-the-record conversations with Chinese officials, Shirk argues that the leaders run scared of being outflanked by nationalist critics.


They found themselves outflanked by the rival takeover bid.


I cut through a row to escape him, but he outflanked me.


He was totally outflanked in the debate.


Nongovernmental groups, which once feared being outflanked by all of this activity, are now getting involved.


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更多网络解释与outflanked相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

outflanked:我们被一些威胁到您统治的 德国武装力量的包围

It's bingo.|是突然 | General, we are outmaneuvered, outflanked, outnumbered|我们被一些威胁到您统治的 德国武装力量的包围 | by some German force which threatens your superiorit...|他们在谋略和人数上都...

General, we are outmaneuvered, outflanked, outnumbered:我们被一些威胁到您统治的 德国武装力量的包围

It's bingo.|是突然 | General, we are outmaneuvered, outflanked, outnumbered|我们被一些威胁到您统治的 德国武装力量的包围 | by some German force which threatens your superiorit...|他们在谋略和人数上都...

Outnumbered, outflanked, yet still we triumph:以寡敌众,甚至被包围伏击 我们仍然取得了胜利

How many times in battle have we snatched victory from the ja... | Outnumbered, outflanked, yet still we triumph.|以寡敌众,甚至被包围伏击 我们仍然取得了胜利 | With you at my side, we can do so again.|有...

I sent in my cavalry reserve and outflanked the flankers:而是把我的后备骑兵送到翼侧反而包围了在我左侧的部队

as would be conventional|缩短战线 | I sent in my cavalry reserve and outflanked the flankers.|而是把我的后备骑兵送到翼侧反而包围了在我左侧的部队 | Bravo,Magnus.Masterly.|好极了,麦格纳斯,真精彩