英语人>词典>英汉 : optical activity的中文,翻译,解释,例句
optical activity的中文,翻译,解释,例句

optical activity

optical activity的基本解释

[化] 旋光性, 旋光度

更多网络例句与optical activity相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chirality is an abstract concept which does not determine the optical activity.


Moreover,the stabilization of the complexes,especially the influence of the optical activity of dipeptide on the stabilization has been discussed.


Showing no optical activity in polarized light .


The progress of the optical activity and stereochemistry of bile pigments in recent20 years is reviewed.


In this paper, in order to prepare nonlinear optical polymer materials with high nonlinear optical activity and thermal stability, nonlinear optical thiazole chromophores with highβvalues were designed and synthesized, two kind of nonlinear optical polyurethane composite materials were prepared, and the structures and properties of them were researched.


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更多网络解释与optical activity相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

optical activity:旋光性

这种能使偏振面旋转的性能称为旋光性(optical activity),手性化合物都具有旋光性. 当偏振光作用于分子,使分子的电子产生受迫振动. 这种受迫振动将产生周期变化的电场e′,它的频率和周相(相位)和入射偏振光是相同的,但方向不同.

optical activity:光学活性

a.光学活性(optical activity) 实验观察到的化合物将单色平面偏振光的平面向观察者的右边或左边旋转的性质. b.光学异构体(optical isomers) 对映体的同义词,但现在已不常用,因为有一些对映体在某些偏振光波长下并无光学活性.

optical activity:光性

光学异构物的旋光性(optical activity)是不可以由结构图来判断出来的,自然界存在的α-胺基酸虽然都拥有相同的"L-"组态,但它们的旋光性却包含顺时针转(+)和逆时针转(-)的例子,如下.

optical activity:旋光度,旋光性

optic 镜片 | optical activity 旋光度,旋光性 | optical center of lens 镜片光心

optical activity, optical rotation opticity:旋光性

photoelasticity 光测弹性 | optical activity, optical rotation opticity 旋光性 | rotation power 旋光本领

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