英语人>词典>英汉 : navy-blue的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与navy-blue相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Old Navy was looking for a star, and loved Kelly's fresh-faced look.

Old Navy 在寻找明星并喜爱凯莉的新面孔。

As part of the Model Ship Builder Organization of websites we are pleased provide you access to a unique modeling project offered by our sister site Navy Board Models.

作为船模制作组织的网站,我们很高兴为您提供了一个独特的建模项目,由提供我们的姊妹网站──Navy Board Models。

According to an internal report obtained by Navy Times, the issue came to light May 14, when a welding inspector at the company's Newport News, Va., shipyard told a supervisor that a fellow inspector was initialing welds as "OK" without performing the inspections.

根据Navy得到的一个内部报告Times,问题明朗化了5月14日,当公司的纽波特新闻的, VA焊接审查员。,造船厂告诉了监督员一位审查员标注姓名起首字母焊接如&好&,无需进行检查。

更多网络解释与navy-blue相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Navy:海军

Where'd you get that tat, man?|你那块刺青是哪弄的? | The navy.|海军 | Navy? I was in the navy.|海军?,我也在海军待过

Navy Yamen:海军衙门

北洋水师:north-ocean navy | 海军衙门:Navy Yamen | 雅典海军:Athenian navy

Merchant Navy Training Board:船员训练局

Merchant Navy Training Board 船员培训局船员训练局 | Merchant Navy Training Board 船员训练局 | merchant navy 商船