英语人>词典>英汉 : nastiness的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

nastiness ['nɑ:stinis]


污秽, 不洁

  • He was disgusted at the nastiness of crooked politics.
  • 他对政界玩弄手腕的卑鄙行径深恶痛绝。
更多网络例句与nastiness相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While the features are nice, the cost is very high in terms of pure nastiness.


Look at all the havoc and destruction you've caused because of your nastiness.


But of course there is also a long history of extreme intolerance and nastiness.


It wasn't an easy game and we were lacking in a bit of nastiness in attack.


"As I said, Royal Mother of the West, nastiness comes unbidden to my mouth."


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更多网络解释与nastiness相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nastiness:污秽, 不洁

spheroidal graphite cast iron 球墨铸铁 | nastiness 污秽, 不洁 | fourragere 军服的彩色饰带


nastily 污秽地 | nastiness 污秽 | nasturtium 旱金莲属植物

this whole thing has gotten to a level of nastiness:整个事情到了一个非常恶劣的程度

sleazy behavior is highly alarming低俗的行为值得高度警惕 | this whole thing has gotten to a level of nastiness 整个事情到了一个非常恶劣的程度. | partisanship派别之分

To know the nastiness and roll around in piles of this:知道这些污浊不堪的东西流淌在毒疮里

You know it doesn't matter very ... | To know the nastiness and roll around in piles of this 知道这些污浊不堪的东西流淌在毒疮里 | And yawn into the stinking hiss then close it tightly in my fists 钻入这...