英语人>词典>英汉 : mythicality的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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The prime of this thesis is to investigate into the mythicality of the legend of Buddha Sakyamuni, the originator of Buddhism.


Based on the foundation above, prior to analyzing the mythicality of the legend of Buddha, mythologies of Joseph Cambell, M.


And then calls attention to the shortcomings of the undue emphasis on historical method of the contemporary research on buddhism. The methodology of this thesis to study the mythicality of the legend of Buddha is founded on religionswissenschaft and mythology that can bridge the cliff between faith and reason for the buddhists who are seeking for the meaning of buddhistic myths.


The methodology of this thesis to study the mythicality of the legend of Buddha is founded on religionswissenschaft and mythology that can bridge the cliff between faith and reason for the buddhists who are seeking for the meaning of buddhistic myths.


In the thesis, the legends having plots with more mythicality are discussed firstly on the literary style and form, and the structural peculiarities; then tabulating the content in 7 stages including the phases of preliminary, condescension, fetus, monkhood, exorcist, preacher-ship, and nirvana.
