英语人>词典>英汉 : molar teeth的中文,翻译,解释,例句
molar teeth的中文,翻译,解释,例句

molar teeth

molar teeth的基本解释

磨牙, 臼齿, 后牙

更多网络例句与molar teeth相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHODS: Two hundred and thirty-eight deciduous anterior and molar teeth from 178 patients were randomly divided into two groups treated with one-visit root canal therapy of METAPEX and zinc oxide eugenol paste.


Not necessarily, you can give her something like biscuits will do, I always thought that plastic and molar teeth dirty bar, each time the gutta cleaned boiled, and to the baby, she will be tired for a few, and then picked on the throw, and from the moment want to pick up his mouth to send, then I would not let it close up and then the.


Objective: To elucidate the role HSP27 during amelogenesis and odontogenesis in the teeth of limited growth by analyzing its expression in enamel organ of developing rat molar teeth and rat molar.

目的:通过分析大鼠磨牙及其发育过程中,Hsp27 在成釉器中的表达,阐明Hsp27 在牙釉质、牙本质形成中的作用。

更多网络解释与molar teeth相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


用方程式表示如下: πV=nR式是根据牙的形态和功能,可分为用以咬切食物的切牙(incisor);用以撕裂食物的尖牙 (canine teeth)和用以研磨食物的前磨牙(premolar)与磨牙(molar).

premolar teeth:前磨牙

尖牙 canine teeth | 前磨牙 premolar teeth | 磨牙 molar teeth

I have a constant throbbing pain in a molar tooth and couldn't sleep well last night:我臼齿持续的抽痛,昨夜睡得不好

When I drink something cold,there is a sharp ... | I have a constant throbbing pain in a molar tooth and couldn't sleep well last night.我臼齿持续的抽痛,昨夜睡得不好. | My teeth feel loose and I have...