英语人>词典>英汉 : milords的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


更多网络例句与milords相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The hub or daily meeting place and watering hole for many of the milords was the world-famous Caffè Greco, or Greek Coffeehouse. It was opened at Via Condotti 86-one of the many streets, running out of the Piazza di Spagna-during the 1760s by a Greek who Italianized his name to Nick da Maddalena.

世界闻名的Greco咖啡馆,即希腊咖啡馆,曾是绅士们每日聚会、畅谈、畅饮的地方。18世纪60年代,一个把名字用意大利语翻译成&Nick da Maddalena&的希腊人在康多堤大道(通向西班牙广场的众多大街之一)86号建立了这个咖啡馆。

Unfortunately,your husbands rarely express appreciation to you, they act as if they were milords and you were maids,and you just did whatever you should.


A typical/characteristic milords/English gentlemen always takes an umbrella.


更多网络解释与milords相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Je chante les milords Qui n'ont pas eu de chance:我為沒機會的男人歌唱

Je chante la romance 我歌頌愛情 | Je chante les milords Qui n'ont pas eu de chance我為沒機會的男人歌唱 | Regardez-moi, Milord 看我一眼 先生