英语人>词典>英汉 : make complete的中文,翻译,解释,例句
make complete的中文,翻译,解释,例句

make complete

make complete的基本解释


更多网络例句与make complete相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Everything jumbled together in his head, and none of it seemed to make complete sense.


This particular line incorporates world-class complete vehicle cathode electro-coating technology. The integrated body and chassis frame is subject to degreasing and phosphatization pretreatment and then to cathode electro coating, which significantly improves paint membrane adhesion and corrosion resistance of complete vehicles, brings the products up to quality standards and make complete vehicles resistant to corrosion for more than 10 years.


How to choose strategies of handing traditional culture down is an unavoidable subject in the new situation. The author of the article thinks that clothing, which is believed to be the visiting card of a people, should be simple with symbolization, pictorialization, totems and commercialization. Handing down of the living culture should be combined with ecosystem environments and places of interest to develop its content step by step. One cultural item should be exploited in one place to keep it alive forever. We should make good use of educational, research and translating organizations, media and the Internet to propagandize old and new characters and works. Some museums should be built up to protect metallic and stone relics. Setting up ecological museums or cultural villages and parks is an effective method. We should find out a new way in which key points about the understanding of the culture are explained clearly, core advantages are developed and cutlural labour force and propaganda work are revived The most important thing is to make complete use of the laws and policies on minority self-rule to find out the best way to keep Yi's traditional culture alive.


更多网络解释与make complete相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

help a lot:帮助很大

34.make complete sentences 造完整的句子 | 35.help a lot 帮助很大 | 36.help a little 有点帮助

be afraid to do:害怕做

(19)later on 过后 | (20)be afraid to do ... 害怕做 | (21)make complete sentences做完整的句子

I want complete deniability:我希望所有的官员都毫不知情

Make sure the entire business is invisible.|确保整个过程都是暗箱操作 | I want complete deniability.|我希望所有的官员都毫不知情 | If the bribe comes to light,|如果贿赂一事曝光