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leveling head的中文,翻译,解释,例句

leveling head

更多网络例句与leveling head相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A new technique is presented here consisting of reconstruction of the radial head, leveling of the distal radioulnar joint, reconstruction of the central band of the interosseous membrane by using a pronator teres rerouting technique, and finally repair of the triangular fibrocartilage complex.


Aimed at the waves of thin gauge products and the limitation of leveling strip head or tail in temper mill,the function of leveling strip head has been developed and applied in production in Zhujiang Steel.


Aimed at the wave s of thin gauge products and the limitation of leveling strip head or tail in temper mill,the function of leveling strip head has been developed and applied in production in Zhujiang Steel.


Paul Yock, wow power leveling , head of the bio-design laboratory at Stanford University, which develops medical devices, argues that medical-technology giants have "looked at need, but been blind to cost."

身为开发医疗设备的斯坦福大学生物设计实验室负责人的Paul Yock认为,医疗技术巨头们&看到需要,却看不到成本&。

更多网络解释与leveling head相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

leveling head:校平头

leveling buble 水准气泡 | leveling head 校平头 | leveling instrument 水准仪器

four-screw leveling head:四螺钉安平头

four-quad solid-state sensor 四象限固态传感器 | four-screw leveling head 四螺钉安平头 | four-terminal network 四端网络