英语人>词典>英汉 : justice in eye的中文,翻译,解释,例句
justice in eye的中文,翻译,解释,例句

justice in eye

justice in eye的基本解释

[法] 巡回法官

更多网络例句与justice in eye相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That your friends will be driven into exile and deprived of citizenship, or will lose their property, is tolerably certain; and you yourself, if you fly to one of the neighboring cities, as, for example, Thebes or Megara, both of which are well-governed cities, will come to them as an enemy, Socrates, and their government will be against you, and all patriotic citizens will cast an evil eye upon you as a subverter of the laws, and you will confirm in the minds of the judges the justice of their own condemnation of you.

你的朋友们会因此而被流放,剥夺公民的权利,或许他们会失去他们的财产,而这些都是肯定的。而你,如果从逃到临近的一个城市,如Thebes 或者Megara,都是治理得很好的城市,他们会把你当敌人看待,苏格拉底,他们会反对你,所有爱国的公民都会认为你是一个法律的腐蚀者,你只会使那些判你有罪的审判者们更加坚信他们判决的正确性。

The history of the development of criminal law is a history from uncivilization to civilization, from unrecklessness to reason, from severity to lightening, from antagonism to dialogue. Restorative justice is a new criminal law system, which develops form North America and Australia in the 1970s. For those offenders, restorative justice involves accepting responsibility for their actions, by repairing any harm they caused instead of being punished; For those harmed, restorative justice puts an eye on their damage right. And restorative justice repairs the damage relationship and it will meet the human seek for the value of justice, order and ratio. The study of restorative justice has become a wide law topic, which the whole world pays close attention to. Especially in China, because China is trying to build the harmonious social environment.


A whole new world was dawning on his soul: kindness accepted and repaid, devotion, mercy, indulgence, violences committed by pity on austerity, respect for persons, no more definitive condemnation, no more conviction, the possibility of a tear in the eye of the law, no one knows what justice according to God, running in inverse sense to justice according to men.


更多网络解释与justice in eye相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Millstones - The mutual converse of human society:磨石-社会上人与人之间彼此的交流

Eye - Providence in Government.眼睛-政权意志. | Millstones - The mutual converse of human society.磨石-社会上人与人之间彼此的交流. | Sceptre - Justice.权杖-公理、正义.