英语人>词典>英汉 : internodal的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

internodal ['intə,nəudəl]


[计] 节点间的

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However, as the result of the particularity of the arrangement of vascular bundle in the nodal zone, in some cases, the cutting forces, chip form and the quality of the machined surface would be different from the internodal zone.


In the present study, large internodal cells of Chara Corallina were used as as a model system, distribution and coordination environment of lanthanum cells as well as the effects of lanthanum on absorption of mineral nutrients were studied.


The region between two nodes is known as the internodal segment .


Furthermore, cells in different living stages responded to the treatments (Oryzalin and Ca〓) differently, young active internodal cells seemed to be more sensitive.


Distribution and coordination environment of lanthanum in internodal cells of Chara have been determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and X-ray absorption spectroscopy.


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更多网络解释与internodal相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


internetwork connection 网络连接 | internodal 节点间 | net server 网络服务器

internodal length:节间长度

intermittently adv. 间歇的 | internodal length 节间长度 | internode 节间

internodal cell:节间细胞

而下方的一个细胞不分裂而著延长形成节间细胞(internodal cell),从节部长出轮生枝(叶),而节间细胞则形成多核. 其营养体细胞的核相为n,在节处为叶托抱,产生颈卵器和精器. 精器的柄细胞(manubrium)和带状的精母细胞丝是为其他藻类所没有的构造.

internodal growth:节间生长

internodal cell 节间细胞 | internodal growth 节间生长 | internode 节间

internodal tract:结间束

交叉循环 cross circulation | 结间束 internodal tract | 结间通道 internodal pathway

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