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A series of theoretical and experimental studies on the microstrip patch antennas with dielectric superstrates is carried out systematically. Firstly, a comprehensive survey of the microstrip antenna technology and its theories are presented. Then, two analysis techniques, named as the spectral domain Green's function method and the spectral domain integral equation method are developed. The SDGF method is a simplified analysis technique, which takes advantage of the spectral domain immittance approach to find the dyadic Green's function for the stratified media, and obtains the complete closed-form formulas for radiation patterns, directivity, efficiency, gain etc. Some interesting calculated results are presented. The SDIE method is capable of determining resonant frequency, radiation characteristics, input impedance etc, for the covered microstrip patch antennas. Comparing with other full-wave analyses it reduced computation and mathematical labour remarkably. The singularities near the pole location of the surface-wave modes and the difficulty of the integral computation over infinite range of oscillating integrands are dealt with actively and documented well. Results predicted by the SDIE method agree extremely well with our experimental results for resonant frequencies of various superstrates. The superstrate effects on impedance and radiation characteristics also have been investigated experimentally so that the gap due to lack of measured data and computed results for multi-layered superstrate has been filled to some degrees and two useful observations have been achieved for weakening the resonant frequency shift and optimizing the microstrip antenna gain. As a meaningful application, the design and analysis of a 4×4 patch array are introduced.


The vector surface integral equation can't be applied to numerical computation directly because its integrands possess the high order singularity.


Presented is a method for integrating Sommerfeld-like integrands in eddy current non-destructive detection along the real axis.


In our systems,integrands in cost functionals need notto be concave in the state variables.


Also the elimination of singular integrands is discussed and treated properly.


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