英语人>词典>英汉 : integral cover的中文,翻译,解释,例句
integral cover的中文,翻译,解释,例句

integral cover

integral cover的基本解释


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It also produces integral wind collector, reticulation cover, and electric motor support for central air-conditioners, air-conditioning sets for autos and ships, enterprises and hotels.


The procedure of model selection is as follows:1、A more realistic three-dimension model of the complex powerhouse structure is made, which includes dam body, frame structure, upstream and downstream wall, floor slab, wind cover, integral flow passage, all galleries, key holes, etc.


Therefore, an increasing number of periodical press has included the cover as an integral part of MIS-viewing come to the idea of modern marketing to build cover design.


A cover bearing and integral seat bearing guide the stem assembly for precise alignment with the seat.


The indicator light is integral with switch cover and standardly furnished.


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更多网络解释与integral cover相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

integral cover:整体围带

integral coupling ==> 整体联轴器 | integral cover ==> 整体围带 | integral curve ==> 积分曲线

integral cover:整体罩盖

integral cover 整体围带 | integral cover 整体罩盖 | integral flow orifice differential pressure transmitter 基地式差压流量变送器

integral cover:整体盖片

integral cooling || 总体冷却 | integral cover || 整体盖片 | integral curve || 积分曲线

integral organic cover:整体有机盖片

integral of generalized momentum || 广义动量积分 | integral organic cover || 整体有机盖片 | integral packaging || 集成组装

integral glass cover:整体玻璃盖片

integral feedback || 积分反馈 | integral glass cover || 整体玻璃盖片 | integral ideal || 整理想