英语人>词典>英汉 : in a single day的中文,翻译,解释,例句
in a single day的中文,翻译,解释,例句

in a single day

in a single day的基本解释


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On the Pacific, it's common to release a dozen or more sails and even a marlin or two in a single day, and not unusual to release more than 30 sailfish a day.


Text of Bhaddekaratta read as "Pandita' in Madhyamagama 34th Sutra (See Vol. I, Taisho Tripitaka p. 886 B). It reads "A single Excellent Night" in the English translation of Majjhima-nikaya 132nd Sutra; notes in the FoGuangShan Edition translated as "A single worthy night", which elaborated as "one who living in a worthy life day and night p.

三、「跋地罗帝」,《佛说尊上经》作「贤善」(大正大藏经第一册第八八六页中),《中部第一三二阿难一夜贤者经》作「一夜贤者」,英译本作「A single Excellent Night」,佛光本注解译为「贤善一夜」,演义为「夜夜全然如是贤善生活之人」。

So, receiving the Hep B vaccine with Thimerosal on the first day of birth is the equivalent of a 200-pound adult male consuming 1,400 cans of tuna in a single day.


更多网络解释与in a single day相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a single day wind can whirl it to its end:一朝飘泊难寻觅

How long can beauty flower fresh and fair?明媚香妍能几时, | In a single day wind can whirl it to its end.一朝飘泊难寻觅. | Fallen, the brightest blooms are hard to find;花开易见落难寻,

In a single day wine can whirl it to its end:一朝漂泊难寻觅

明媚鲜妍能几时, How long can beauty flowers fresh and fair? | 一朝漂泊难寻觅. In a single day wine can whirl it to its end. | 花开易见落难寻, Fallen, the brightest blooms are hard to find;

But in delicate situations they need matters adjudicated on a single day:但是在某些微妙的局面中 问题的解决却要取决于特定的一天

amassing powerful private armies to do thei... | But in delicate situations they need matters adjudicated on a single day...|但是在某些微妙的局面中 问题的解决却要取决于特定的一天... | By a solitary man...