英语人>词典>英汉 : impression drawing的中文,翻译,解释,例句
impression drawing的中文,翻译,解释,例句

impression drawing

impression drawing的基本解释


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He was that absent-minded, eccentric, grand seigneur of a husband, who got in nobody's way and far from spoiling the general impression of the highest tone in her drawing-room, formed by his contrast with his wife's elegance and tact an advantageous foil to her.

他是个心不在焉的古怪人,是身为 grand seigneur①般的丈夫,他不妨碍任何人,非但不损坏人们对高贵客厅的一般印象,而且因为他和妻子的优雅与委婉态度有所不同,反而构成了对她有利的衬景。

Only keep to the science,emphasize the whole observation can we gain the whole ,general and artistic impression to ground well for the future correct drawing,can we train our acuminous observational ability to help us to refine a pair of artist eyes.
