英语人>词典>英汉 : important mission的中文,翻译,解释,例句
important mission的中文,翻译,解释,例句

important mission

important mission的基本解释


更多网络例句与important mission相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have an important mission in Bogota.


Ease of use ranges in importance from less important, for a one-time experiment to be run only by the application's developer, who is intimately familiar with the software; to very important, for a production application to be used by a variety of semiskilled operators within a single organization; to extremely important, for a mission- or safety-critical application, or a commercial application intended for distribution and resale.

包括以下三种情况:该软件的开发者,他对该软件非常熟悉,在编程中会经常进行一次性试验,此时易用性就不太重要;一个团队中对该软件半熟悉的操作员来使用该软件,此时易用性很重要;在mission- or safety-critical的场合,或者是准备发布销售的商业软件,此时易用性则非常重要!

Teachers in High school are urgers and main force who play an important part in the new ideological and political education , and their important mission is to guide students to become modern students who are of quality, can learn, learn survival and learn cooperation.


更多网络解释与important mission相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Today the senator handpicked me for an important mission:今天参议员给我下达了一个重要的任务

-What?. -What?.|- 什么... | Today the senator handpicked me for an important mission.|今天参议员给我下达了一个重要的任务 | She's sending me on a spring break to watch over her daughter, a wild child...|...

momentous a. extremely important:重大的,重要的

mission n. the duty or purpose for which a certain group of people are sent 使命,任务 | momentous a. extremely important 重大的,重要的 | mothball v. be in storage 封存

momentous a. extremely important:重大得,重要得

mission n. the duty or purpose for which a certain group of people are sent 使命,任务 | momentous a. extremely important 重大得,重要得 | mothball v. be in storage 封存