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The glorious martyrs are then invoked: Stephen the Deacon, protomartyr, stoned at Jerusalem whilst praying for his executioners (Acts 7:58); Laurence, the Roman archdeacon; Vincent, the deacon of Saragossa in Spain; Fabian, the pope, and Sebastian, the soldier; John and Paul, brothers at the Court of Constantia, daughter of Constantine; Cosmas and Damian, renowned physicians of gea in Cilicia; Gervasius and Protasius, brothers at Milan; after which follows a collective impetration of all the holy martyrs.

光荣的烈士,然后引用:斯蒂芬执事, protomartyr ,投掷石块,而在耶路撒冷祈祷,为他的刽子手(行为7时58分);劳伦斯,罗马archdeacon ;郑海泉,辅祭的萨拉戈萨在西班牙;比恩表示,教宗,和塞巴斯蒂安,这名士兵;约翰和保罗,兄弟在法庭上的constantia的女儿,君士坦丁;科斯马斯和达米安,著名的医师gea在基利家; gervasius和protasius ,兄弟在米兰;之后,如下一个集体impetration所有圣地的烈士。