英语人>词典>英汉 : immunising的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


更多网络例句与immunising相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These 2 I don't recommend that they run in the background, but from time to time, just keep the lists updated and they provide protection by immunising your system.


Immunising vulnerable network systems is an important solution to prevent sabotage and spread of Internet worm.


Howeer Hugh McKinney of the pressure group the National Family Campaign questioned the wisdom of immunising such young girls.

他又说到,虽然国家家庭活动及压力Hugh McKinney对这样小的女生进行接种仍有疑问。

The potency of antigens were higher than 6.0 IU/mL. The antigen is suitable immunising horse for producing rabies immunoglobulin.Keywords : Vero cells;Horse serum;Antigen

第5,8天收获病毒滴度可稳定在7.0logLD50/ mL以上,灭活抗原具良好的抗原性,用NIH法测定效价达6.0IU/ mL以上,可用作抗原生产抗狂犬病血清。

更多网络解释与immunising相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Immunising agent:免疫材料

免疫质 Immune substance | 免疫材料 Immunising agent | 免疫试验 Immunising experiment

Immunising agent:免疫物

免疫系统 immune system | 初次免疫 immune, primary | 免疫物 immunising agent

Immunising agent:免疫因子

免疫关连胜肽 immune-related peptide | 免疫因子 immunising agent | 后天免疫性 immunity; acquired

Immunising experiment:免疫试验

免疫材料 Immunising agent | 免疫试验 Immunising experiment | 免疫性 Immunitas ; Immunity

Antitoxin unit ; Immunity unit ; Immunising unit ; Unit of immunity:抗毒素单位,免疫单位

"抗毒素,免疫毒素","Antitoxin ; Immunotoxin" | "抗毒素单位,免疫单位","Antitoxin unit ; Immunity unit ; Immunising unit ; Unit of immunity" | "抗亲素","Antitropin"